Accuro Online iCalendar

Microsoft OutlooK and OSX (Mac) can now support your Accuro calendar using the iCalendar format. This calendar is viewed as read only and cannot be edited in either Outlook or iCal.

Through Web Accuro, physician calendars are available at the following address: /iCalendar/.ics

Note: If you need any assistance with your clinic web address and physician id to complete the web address above, please contact your clinic IT person.

The default range for the appointments displayed is one month previous ad three months ahead. This can be changed, if required, on the url when adding the calendar (see the example below).

Example (3 months back and 4 months forward):
/iCalendar/ .ics?back=3&forward=4

The first time a user adds the calendar they are prompted for a login. Use the Accuro login. Once logged in the calendar is updated using send/receive or automatically depending upon the settings selected in the calendar application (e.g. Microsoft Outlook).

Note: To be able to view the calendar the user logged in must have permissions in Accuro to view the provider calendar.

Users can specify the preferred appointment property based on appointment site, appointment location, appointment office, appointment type or each appointment. To specify the following needs to be added to the iCal URL ( /iCalendar/.ics) :

?group=Type Group appointments by type.
?group=Site Group appointments by site.
?group=Location Group appointments by location.
?group=Office Group appointments by office.
?group=All One entry for each day regardless of appointment details (default).
?group=None One entry for each appointment.

Note: Text is case sensitive.

Setting up Accuro Online iCalendar in Microsoft Outlook

Before a user sets up iCalendar in Microsoft for the first time. Please ensure the following:

Please note this procedure is for users with Microsoft Outlook 2010. For other versions of Outlook the options may be in a different location (check with Microsoft Outlook online help if required).

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook.
  2. Click the Calendar tab.

  3. Click the Folder tab, click Open Calendar and select From Internet from the list displayed.

  4. Type in the location of your calendar. It will be in the format .ics

  5. A window is displayed asking to confirm adding the calendar to Outlook, click Yes.

  6. If a message is displayed about the security certificate, similar to the one below (this is a message from your security software) click Yes to continue.

  7. A message, connecting to the web server is displayed.

    Closely followed by:

  8. Type in your Accuro login and password and click OK.

    Note: You are logging in using your Accuro Username and Password (not your Microsoft Windows one). If you are in an ASP hosted clinic and use single sign on and don't know your Accuro credentials, you need to get your Administrator to reset the password within Accuro.

    You will also need to type in ".\" before the login name to ensure that you are not trying to connect to your Windows login.

    The Accuro provider calendar opens in Microsoft Outlook to the right of your regular calendar.

  9. The calendar name is the Provider ID by default but it can be changed to anything the user would prefer. To change the calendar name, right-click on on the current calendar name and select Properties.

  10. Type in your preferred name and click Apply and OK to save your changes.

Display the Provider ID

Before iCal can be used to access the provider calendar the Provider ID must be displayed in Accuro. To do this follow the procedure below:

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click File and select User Preferences from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Search icon down the left hand side.
  3. In the Search Types select Provider.
  4. Click the Provider ID checkbox.

  5. Click Apply and OK to save any changes.

Setting up Accuro Online iCalendar in OSX

Before a user sets up iCalendar in OSX for the first time. Please ensure the following:

Please note this procedure is for users with Macs using the OSX operating system.

  1. Open iCal.
  2. Click Calendar, select Subscribe. The following window opens:

  3. Type in the location of your calendar. It will be in the format .ics click Subscribe.
  4. A window for the username and password to be entered is displayed. Type in your Accuro login and password and click OK. The Accuro provider calendar opens in iCal.
  5. The calendar name is the Provider ID by default but it can be changed to anything the user would prefer.