Quick Patient Appointments View (F4)

The Quick Patient Appointments View shows the patient's Appointment History, Wait List History, Patient Orders, Archived Appointment History, and Private Billing tabs for the currently selected patient.

Appointment History Tab

On the Appointment history tab you can view appointments that the patient has booked in the top section of the window. In the bottom section of the window you can view details for appointments that have already occurred. The appointment history tab includes Appt Type and Appt Reason.

By using the right-click menu option the user can Cancel an Appointment for upcoming appointments, Go to appointment, Confirm Appointment,Generate Invoice and view Claim Details for any appointment. Bills can also be marked as Adjust to Paid or Write Off by right-clicking and selecting the appropriate option. They can also archive appointments that they no longer want displayed on the Appointment History tab. Archived appointments are displayed on the Archived Appointment History tab.

Wait List History Tab

The Wait List History tab shows details of any occurrences when the currently selected patient has been on the wait list. It is possible to open a wait list entry to view the details of the specific item.

Patient Orders

The Patient orders tab displays a list of Lab and Referral Orders that have been made for the selected patient. The information on this tab can be filtered so that users can easily view only the required information. There are quick links to Reconcile, create a new order, delete an order and view the virtual chart. Insurer payment details are displayed in the top-right of the window.

Archived Appointment History Tab

Archived appointments are moved from the Appointment History tab onto the Archived Appointment History tab. Appointments can be unarchived by right-clicking on them and selecting from the menu displayed.

Private Billing Tab

The Private Billing tab displays private bills that the currently selected patient has paid rather than claiming through an insurance company. On this tab the user can view Payment Details and Claim Details. Accounts can be managed as well as Statements, Invoices and Receipts generated. Outstanding PP bills can also be paid on this tab.