Feature Access

The Feature Access area of Accuro is where you enable or disable access to features of Accuro. In this area of Accuro features can be controlled at the role, office or user level.

Feature Access Definitions

Feature access management enables or disables access to specific features of Accuro. Features can be controlled at the user, role, or office level.



Feature Definition


Review Documents

Determines if a user/role can mark documents received as reviewed.

Review Labs

Determines if a user/role can mark lab results received as reviewed.


Scheduler - Apply/Remove Templates

Determines if a user/role can apply or remover scheduler templates.

Scheduler Management - Apply/Remove Templates

Determines if a role/user can add or remove an existing template from a provider's schedule.

Scheduler Management - Manage Templates

Determines if a user/role can create a new schedule template.

Scheduler Management - Priorities/Reasons/Statuses

Determines if a user/role can add, edit or delete scheduler priorities, reasons and/or statuses.

Scheduler Management - Settings

Determines if a user/role can edit any scheduler settings.

Scheduler Management - Types

Determines if a user/role can edit any scheduler types.

Scheduler Management - Suggestions

Determines if a user/role can edit any scheduler suggestions.

Override Priority Templates

Determines if a user/role is able to override priority templates.

Manage Rooms

Determines if a user/role has access to Scheduler menu -> Manage Rooms, which allows changes to be made to the room setup for a clinic.

Manage Programs

Determines if a user/role has access to Scheduler menu -> Manage Programs.

Manage Appointment Reason Descriptions

Determines if a user/role can add, edit or delete appointment reason descriptions.

Manage Appointment Cancellation Reasons

Determines if a user/role can add, edit or delete appointment cancellation reasons.

Manage Cancellation List Reasons

Determines if a user/role can manage reasons on the Cancellation List.

Manage Sites

Determines if a user/role can manage sites.

Delete Appointment

Determines if a user/role can delete an appointment.


Set Office Provider

Determines if the user has access to set the Office Provider in the Patient Demographics section.

Modify Status

Determines if a user/role can manage the list within the Patient Status dropdown in Demographics.

Remove Status

Determines if a user/role has access to remove a Status in the Status History tab -> Demographics, or in F8.

Modify Flags

Determines if a user/role can create or delete flags.

Merge Patients

Determines if a user/role has access to the Merge Patients button.

Delete Patient

Determines if the user/role has access to the Delete Patient button in the Patient Demographics section.

Manage Task Types

Determines if a user/role can modify the list of task types.

Manage Custom Patient Fields

Determines if a user/role can create a custom field in Patient section.

Manage Address Notes

Determines if a user/role can modify the list of Address Notes.

Manage Relation Types

Determines if a user/role can modify the list of Relation Types.

Manage Relationship Statuses

Determines if a user/role can modify the list of Relationship Statuses.

Manage Patient ID Types

Determines if a user/role can modify the list of Patient ID Types.

Set Referring Physician

Determines if a user/role can set or change the Referring Physician.


Manage Patient Folders

Determines if a user/role can add or delete folders/sub-folders used to manage document categories.


Manage Insurers

Determines if a user/role has access to Billing menu > Manage Insurers, allowing them to add or edit the list of insurers.

Manage Procedure Codes

Determines if a user/role has access to manage the procedure codes in the Billing menu > Options.

Manage Procedure Categories

Determines if a user/role has access to manage the procedure categories in the Billing menu > Options.

Manage Diagnosis Codes

Determines if a user/role has access to manage diagnosis codes in the Billing menu > Options.

Manage Service Code Accounts

Determines if the user/role can create/modify the service code accounts found in Billing > Options > Service Code Accounts.

Manage Billing Numbers

Determines if a user/role has access to setup the billing numbers in the Billing menu > Options > Setup Billing Numbers.

Manage Billing Rules

Determines if a user/role has access to manage the billing rules in the Billing menu > Billing Rules.

Manage Submissions

Determines if user/role can undo a previous submission that was sent to Government.

Apply Insurer Payments

Determines if a user/role has access to apply insurer payments in the Reports menu > Insurer Payments.

Access A/R by Insurer

Determines if a user/role has access to the A/R By Insurer in the Reports menu > A/R by Insurer.

Write-Off / Adjust to Paid

Determines if a user/role has permission to write off or adjust to paid claims in the right-click function under Not Reconciled tab.

Submit Claims

Determines if a user/role has permission to submit claims.

Manage Claim Tracking

Determines if a user/role has access to create tracking PINS for claims.

Archive Appointments

Determines if user/role can archive an appointment.

Manage Accounts

Determines if user/role can manage accounts.

Manage Payment Period Date

Determines if user/role can manage payment period dates.

Remittance Removal

Determines if a user/role has access to manage remittances in Tools >  Remittance Removal Tool.

Wait List

Manage Providers

Determines if a user/role has access to manage providers in Wait List > Tools.

Manage Completions

Determines if a user/role has access to manage completion list in Wait List > Tools.

Manage Lists

Determines if a user/role has ability to manage the Priority, Type, and Status lists within the new booking request.

Mass Status Update

Determines if a user/role has access to mass update the status of patients in the Wait List..

Delete Booking Request

Determines if a user/role can delete a booking request in the Wait List.

Allow the Migration of Consult Requests

Determines if a user/role is able to allow the migration of consult requests in the Wait List.


Manage Alerts (Query Builder)

Determines if a user/role has access to create and modify alerts in the Query Builder.

Run Alerts (Query Builder)

Determines if a user/role has access to run alerts in the Query Builder.

Advanced Reporting

Determines if a user/role has access to Advanced Reporting.

Care Team Reports

Determines if a user/role has access to Care Team Reports.


Manage Address Book Contacts and Pharmacies

Determines if a user/role can add/modify/delete entries in the contacts and pharmacies areas of the Address Book sections found in the Tools menu.
Note: This does not pertain to either the insurer or the provider areas of the address book.

Label Wizard

Determines if a user/role has access to the Label Wizard in the File menu > Label.

Label Paper

Determines if a user/role can configure the label Paper setting.

Mass Transfer Chart Data

Determines if a user/role has access to the Tool menu > Mass Transfer, allowing them to move multiple elements from one patient's file to another.

Update Tariff Rates

Determines if a user/role has access to make the application update the ICD9-10 codes.

Provider Lookup

Determines if a user/role has access to the Provider Management (F2).

Update Auto-Complete List

Determines if a user/role can make changes to the auto-complete list for City and Occupation.

Update Dictionary

Determines if a user/role has access to update the dictionary in the Tools menu > Update.

Update Growth Chart Tables

Determines if a user/role has access to update the Growth Chart Tables in the Tools menu > Update.

Access Automated Batch Chart Sheet Tool

Determines if a user/role has access to the Automated Batch Chart Sheet tool.

Update ICD9/10

Determines if the user/role can run an update to the ICD9/10 codes.

Update Lists

Determines if the user/role can update the lists (these are displayed immediately after a user logs in).


Manage Fax Queue

Determines if a user/role can manage the Fax Queue indicated beneath the collapsible menu (bottom left-hand side).

Manage Letter Queue

Determines if a user/role can manage the Letter Queue indicated beneath the collapsible menu (bottom left-hand side).


Form Editor

Determines if a user/role can manage the create or modify forms in the Tools menu > Form Editor.

Edit CDM Forms

Determines if the user/role can edit the Chronic Disease Management forms in the Form Editor.

Configure CDM Mapping

Determines if the user/role can configure the CDM Mapping.

Template Wizard

Determines if a user/role can manage the create or modify templates in the Tools menu > Template Wizard.

Diagnosis Linking

Determines if a user/role can link a diagnosis to a patient file from the scheduler when creating an appointment, and link a diagnosis to various items in EMR.

Lock & Review Clinical Notes

Determines if a user/role can lock or unlock an Clinic/Encounter note.

Lock Forms

Determines if the user/role can lock patient's forms.

Delete Clinical Notes

Determines if a user/role can delete any Clinic/Encounter notes from the EMR.

Delete Forms

Determines if a user/role can delete any Form from the patient EMR.

Delete Documents

Determines if a user/role can delete a Document from the patient EMR.

Delete Labs

Determines if a user/role can delete a Lab from the patient EMR.

Manage Lab Tests

Determines if a user/role can modify the list of manual lab test entries.

Manage Lab Linking

Determines if the user/role can manage lab linking.

Manage Medical History Items

Determines if a user/role can modify the history lists within the following bands: Surgical History, Lifestyle, Family History, or any custom band that was created as a "regular" band.

Manage Prescription Status Reasons

Determines if the user/role can manage the Prescription Status Reasons.

Track INR Values

Determines if a user/role can track INR values.

Create Lab Requisition

Determines if a user/role can access any form listed under the Requisition Forms category (found in Encounter Notes section and Reports menu).

Manage Unlock Chart Reasons

Determines if a user/role can manage the list of reasons for unlocking a record.

Chart Search

Determines if the user/role has access to the chart search feature within the Virtual Chart.

Virtual Chart Edit Document

Determines if the user/role can edit (split/rotate) a document from the Virtual Chart.

View Lab Activity Log

Determines if the user/role can view the Lab Activity log.

Manage Allergies

Determines if the user/role can manage Allergies.


Create & Modify Masks

Determines if a user/role can mask and remove masks for clinic notes, appointment, etc.


Create Backups

Determines if a user/role has access to the Backup menu.

Manage Care Teams

Determines if a user/role can manage the Care Teams found in Configuration > Care Teams.

Manage Vaccines

Determines if a user/role can manage the vaccine list found in Configuration > Vaccines.

Manage Immunization Schedules

Determines if a user/role can create and edit immunization schedules found in Configuration > Immunization Schedules.

Manage Patient Immunization Schedules

Determines if a user/role can add an immunization schedule to a patient's medical history and view it from Configuration > Patient Immunization schedule.

Manage Diagnosis Condition Mappings

Determines if a user/role has access to Configuration > Diagnosis Condition Mapping, allowing them to define the diagnosis codes that trigger PIN to set up for a user.

Ungroup Virtual Chart Labs

Determines if a user/role can group and ungroup lab results from being received together.

Reassess Claims

Determines if a user/role reassess claims.

Archive Patient

Determines if a user/role can archive a patient.

Manage Global CDS Links

Determines if a user/role has access to the Manage Global CDS in the CDS menu.

Accuro Registry Access

Determines if a user/role has access to the Accuro Registry.

View Activity Log

Determines if a user/role can view the log available in the virtual chart for a specific patient.

Edit Office Provider

Determines if a user/role can edit the Office Provider when either in F2 Provider Management or in the patient section selecting the office provider.

Configure Office Providers

Determines if a user/role can configure the Office Providers in F2 Provider Management.

Import Physician Registry

Determines if user/role can import the Physician Registry list.

Merge Providers

Determines if user/role can merge Providers.

Manage Global/Office Logins

Determines if user/role can manage global and office logins

User Demographics Dialog

Determines if user/role can make changes to the User Demographics window.

Manage Titles

Determines if user/role can manage titles that are used in Accuro.

View and Export UUDs

Determines if user/role can view and export UUDs.

Accuro Debugging

Determines if user/role can import the Physician Registry list.

Add Role Permissions

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab on the left-hand side of the window.
  3. Click the Role Permissions tab.
  4. Click down arrow to the right of the Office field and select the appropriate office from the list displayed. You have the option to select one office at a time or you can select all offices.
  5. Click the left hand column to add a role and the changes to a . To remove a role click the right hand column and the changes to a .
  6. Click Close when you have completed your changes.

Edit Role Permissions

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab on the left-hand side of the window.
  3. Click the Role Permissions tab.
  4. Click down arrow to the right of the Office field and select the appropriate office from the list displayed. You have the option to select one office at a time or you can select all offices.
  5. Click the left hand column to add a role and the changes to a . To remove a role click the right hand column and the changes to a .
  6. Click Close when you have completed your changes.

Remove Role Permissions

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab on the left-hand side of the window.
  3. Click the Role Permissions tab.
  4. Click down arrow to the right of the Office field and select the appropriate office from the list displayed. You have the option to select one office at a time or you can select all offices.
  5. Click the right hand column and the changes to a . Repeat for all the features where you are removing permissions.
  6. Click Close when you have completed your changes.

Add User Permissions

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab on the left-hand side of the window.
  3. Click the User Permissions tab.
  4. Click down arrow to the right of the Office field and select the appropriate office from the list displayed.
  5. Click down arrow to the right of the User field and select the appropriate user from the list displayed. A list of features is displayed and the access rights that the user selected.
  6. To enable access to specific features, click the appropriate box in the enabled column. The changes to a .
  7. To disable access to specific features, click the appropriate box in the enabled column. The changes to a .
  8. Click Close when you have completed your changes.

Note: The inherited column contains access to features based on the roles the selected user has assigned to them. Once you enable or disable specific features, the inherited column no longer displays as enabled () or disabled ().

Edit User Permissions

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab on the left-hand side of the window.
  3. Click the User Permissions tab.
  4. Click down arrow to the right of the Office field and select the appropriate office from the list displayed.
  5. Click down arrow to the right of the User field and select the appropriate user from the list displayed. A list of features are displayed and the access rights that the user selected has in these features.
  6. To disable access to specific features, click the appropriate box in the enabled column. The changes to a .
  7. Click Close when you have completed your changes.

Note: The inherited column contains access to features based on the roles the selected user has assigned to them. Once you enable or disable specific features, the inherited column no longer displays as enabled () or disabled ().

Remove User Permissions

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab on the left-hand side of the window.
  3. Click the User Permissions tab.
  4. Click down arrow to the right of the Office field and select the appropriate office from the list displayed.
  5. Click down arrow to the right of the User field and select the appropriate user from the list displayed. A list of features are displayed and the access rights that the user selected has in these features.
  6. To enable access to specific features, click the appropriate box in the enabled column. The changes to a .
  7. To disable access to specific features, click the appropriate box in the enabled column. The changes to a .
  8. Click Close when you have completed your changes.

Note: The inherited column contains access to features based on the roles the selected user has assigned to them. Once you enable or disable specific features, the inherited column no longer displays as enabled () or disabled ().

Manage Accounts Feature Permission

The manage accounts feature permission controls access to the Manage Accounts button in the private billing and insurer payments sections of Accuro. To access the manage accounts permission follow the procedure below:

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab down the left-hand side.
  3. Select either Role Permissions or User Permissions tab. Manage Accounts is located at the bottom of the Claims section.

Set Referring Physician

By enabling or disabling the Referring Physician in Manage Security determines whether the Referring Physician field of a patient's details can be edited.

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security from the list displayed. The Manage security window is displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab down the left hand side.
  3. Click the Role Permission tab.
  4. Click to select the appropriate Role.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the Patient section and enable or disable the Set Referring Physician, as required. Repeat for other roles, as required.

Delete Bills After Submission / Invoicing

Delete Bills After Submission / Invoicing is a Feature Permission that by default is turned on. If this permission is turned off then the user is prevented from deleting bills after they have been invoiced or submitted.

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security from the list displayed. The Manage security window is displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab down the left hand side.
  3. Click the Role Permission tab.
  4. Click to select the Billing role.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the Claims section and enable or disable the Delete Bills After Submission / Invoicing, as required.

Edit Documents in the Virtual Chart

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab.
  3. Select the Role Permissions or the User Permissions tab, as required. The Virtual Chart Edit Document option is in the EMR section.
  4. Click the Enable or Disable box to enable or disable the Virtual Chart Edit Document option, as required.
  5. Click Close.

Enter Any Business Arrangement # On Bill (AB)

The default for this security setting is enabled. If this setting is disabled then the user cannot edit the text in the Business Arrangement field.

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab on the left-hand side of the window.
  3. Click the Role Permissions tab.
  4. Click to select or de-select the Enter Any Business Arrangement # On Bill, as required. This is found in the claims section of the list displayed.
  5. Click Update User to save the details.

Enter Any Business Arrangement # On Bill (AB)

The default for this security setting is enabled. If this setting is disabled then the user cannot edit the text in the Business Arrangement field.

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab on the left-hand side of the window.
  3. Click the Role Permissions tab.
  4. Click to select or de-select the Enter Any Business Arrangement # On Bill, as required. This is found in the claims section of the list displayed.
  5. Click Update User to save the details.

Import Physician Registry (MB)

This update will need to be run approximately every three months. This update is for Manitoba clients only and you must be your clinic administrator in order to be able to view this option. The user has the option to update all existing providers and add new providers or to only add new providers.

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Admin Tools from the list displayed.
  2. Click Import Physician Registry. A confirmation message is displayed:

  3. Click to select the appropriate update option. The registry is updated; this can take a few minutes.

Apply / Remove Scheduler Template

There is a Feature Access permission to enable users with permissions to apply suggested templates to a Provider’s scheduler. This permission can be found at:

  1. Click the Start menu button in the left-hand corner of the Accuro window.
  2. Type Manage Security in the Search field and select from the list displayed.
  3. Click the Feature Access button down the left hand side.
  4. The new option is under Scheduling and is called ‘Scheduler Management – Apply/Remove Templates’
  5. Click Close when any changes have been made.

Enable Edit CDM Form by Role

If you need access to CDM forms and cannot see them this is because you need access enabled in Security manager. A staff member with administrator level access should follow the procedure below in order to allow access.

  1. Click Users on the Menu bar and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab down the left-hand side.
  3. Click the Role Permissions tab.
  4. Select the role to be given CDM form editing permissions.
  5. Click the tick column for Edit CDM Forms. This can be found in the EMR section.

Disable Edit CDM Form by Role

To remove a user's ability to be able to Edit CDM forms, a staff member with administrator level access should follow the procedure below.

  1. Click Users on the Menu bar and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab down the left-hand side.
  3. Click the Role Permissions tab.
  4. Select the role to be given CDM form access.
  5. Click the cross in the Edit CDM Forms column to remove CDM editing permissions. This can be found in the EMR section.

Enable Edit CDM Form by User

If you need access to be able to edit to CDM forms and cannot this is because permission is disabled in Security Manager. A staff member with administrator level access should follow the procedure below in order to allow editing permission.

  1. Click Users on the Menu bar and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab down the left-hand side.
  3. Click the User Permissions tab.

  4. Click the down arrow to the right of Office and select from the list displayed.
  5. Click the down arrow to the right of User and select from the list displayed.
  6. Click the tick column for Edit CDM Forms. This can be found in the EMR section.

Disable Edit CDM Form by User

To remover a user's permission to edit CDM forms, a staff member with administrator level access should follow the procedure below in order to disable editing permission.

  1. Click Users on the Menu bar and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the Feature Access tab down the left-hand side.
  3. Click the User Permissions tab.

  4. Click the down arrow to the right of Office and select from the list displayed.
  5. Click the down arrow to the right of User and select from the list displayed.
  6. Click the cross column for Edit CDM Forms. This can be found in the EMR section.