Accuro 5.5 Change Description

Optimed Software Corporation is pleased to present Accuro EMR 5.5.  Contained in this Release is a huge number of user requested enhancements, along with more intuitive screens, and additional modules.

Starting with the most recent, below is a listing of the updates to Accuro version 5.5.

Our Client Services Team is available if you have any questions.

March 7, 2011 Release

  1. Clinical Notes Previews
    Accuro will no longer preview notes when the mouse moves over a note. Instead, click once on the magnifying glass on the note to bring up the yellow-box preview. Another click anywhere closes it. This was done for performance and usability reasons. Additionally, the preview will show the date-time and user that last modified the note.
  2. Favorite Reports
    In the Reporting Section of Accuro, each report now has a ‘star’ beside it. Click the star on the reports you use to make them easier to find. At the bottom of the list is a checkbox that will show only your favorites. This will make the reporting section cleaner; only showing the reports you want. Note this is a user specific function.
  3. Document Section Loading
    In the document section, clicking the directory button is how you select the folder of documents to upload. It still does this, however if you select a specific document in the directory selection, it will load all documents in that directory and bring up the one you selected in the preview to uploading.
  4. Appointment Type-Billing Link Copy
    In the Schedule Preferences window, beside the Provider dropdown in the "Types and Reasons Settings" there is an "Import" button.
    Click this button to copy another provider’s appointment type-billing code links (copies all of the links).
  5. Physical History for Children
    There is a new manual lab entry called Physical History (Child). This lab entry auto calculates the growth chart percentiles directly in the lab view.
  6. Requisition Date in Manual Lab Entry
    In the manual lab entry there is a Requisition Date field to record the date of the order. This is also a drop down list that shows the dates for the requisition forms completed in Accuro. Once selected, the form is viewable and once the lab is entered, it reconciles the tests ordered within the form.
  7. Manual Lab Results Entry – 24 hr clock
    In the manual lab entry there is a time entry that now takes both 12 hour (ie: 2:30 PM) or 24 hour entry (ie: 14:30)
  8. Validation of Abnormal Lab Results Entry
    There is a New User Preference called: 'Warn about abnormal results on Manual Lab Entry'.

    If the preference is on, when entering manual labs for results where there is a reference range and the value entered is abnormal, a warning and required confirmation of the value will occur. This is to catch entry errors (ie: an entry of 19 instead of 1.9). Press spacebar to continue (or click the yes button).
  9. Select the Default “Carbon Copy (cc)” Letter Recipients
    In Letter Generation, Accuro always sets the recipient to the referring physician for the encounter and cc’s the family physician (if different). There is now a way to configure this. In the Letter generation screen, click the pencil icon under the cc area. From here add the additional desired auto cc lists. These pull from the patient section, provider tab. Once set, this setting remembers itself by user.
  10. Prescriptions: Modify SIG
    In order to not renew a medication, but just change the quantity, you can now update SIG. To do this, go to the medications tab of the EMR, right click the medication and select Edit SIG. the prescription will open and you can change the quantity. Once changed, the prescription prints out as a modification describing the quantity change.
  11. Prescription Faxing
    If multiple pharmacies are entered in the fax screen, Accuro will now prompt before sending to avoid accidental send of a prescription to more than one pharmacy.
  12. Prescription Compounds
    Compounds will display the dosage information in the encounter notes view beside the name similar to regular medications.
  13. Billing Write-offs/Adjustments
    When the bill amount on a bill which has been written off or adjusted is changed, a prompt appears asking the user if they want to remove the write off.
  14. Allow Gender Default to “Unknown”
    In the user preferences, there is a setting that allows the default gender to be M or F or UK (Unknown).
  15. Query Builder: Documents
    In the Query Builder, Documents can be made to be part of a query like document type, dates, and description criteria.
  16. Open Tasks from F3
    F3 and the Virtual Chart show the whole chart including Tasks. Right click a task and press open to get access to a fully editable task.

Jan 25th, 2011 Release

  1. Billing Status (“Pins”)
    A new feature in billing!
    For each bill within the claims section, there is the ability to set up colored statuses for on the fly selection. These statuses can be used to manually indicate an action required on the claim like “Requires investigation”, or “Chart Pull”, or “Documentation needed”. These are examples but the statuses can be anything. Once a status is set on the bill(s), there is a new screen that will display all bills with the status. The status will also show in the F4 Appointment history, Daily Claims, and Unsubmitted Claims.
    The status is indicated by a colored icon (a pin) next to the bill. To configure the statuses/pins, go to Billing, Options, Manage Claim Tracking. 
  2. New Lab Entry Date
    In the manual lab entry screen, there is now a received date that defaults to ‘today’.
  3. Manitoba Hospital Billing
    For Hospital Care Tariffs (8520 and 8524), the Hospital Start Date can be entered in the Claim Details. This will change the Quantity when it is set/changed to the number of days between the Claim Date of Service and the Hospital Start Date, including the Date of Service.
    Ex. Date of Service: Jan 9th -> Hospital Start Date: Jan 1st will set the Qty to 9. 
  4. Billing Site Filter
    For clinics with multiple locations, the system administrator can enable (using the system settings in “Manage Security”) a preference called “Billing Sites”. Once enabled, a configurable drop down list labeled ‘Site’ appears in both the Appointment Details Screen and the Claim Details screen. This is to select the location, or site, for the appointment/claim. With this selection, there are reports that allow reporting by site. In addition to reports, in the Claims section there is a filter at the bottom of the screen to view the claims by site. This supports a provider working at multiple sites with billing staff assigned to each site having the ability to view the billing for that physician for that site.
  5. New Permission Option
    In the Home section, access to unassigned labs is now a controllable permission for the systems administrator which can be done in the manage security section.
  6. Security Setting – Access to Labs
    There is a new provider permission type to the security setup called "Inbox".  This is used in conjunction with the EMR and Labs type will control access to Provider’s Lab and Document inboxes in the home section for each user.
    - A provider's document inbox is only available to the user if both the Inbox and EMR permission are enabled for the provider.
    - A provider's lab inbox is only available to the user if both the Inbox and Lab permission are enabled for the provider.
    - Since this is a new permission, the initial setting for existing permission is on if either EMR or Lab permission is checked.
  7. Alberta Billing Macros
    In the billing macros, there is an explicit fee modifier and quantity fields.
  8. Ontario EH2 rejections
    When a refusal is received for an EH2 ("invalid version code"), the version code displays from the refusal record in brackets after the description display.
  9. Audit log now tracks more billing activities
    An additional activity is logged for applying payments and refunds to a private bill. 
  10. Messaging – Show full name of User
    There is a system setting for the system administrator in the Manage Security, Settings section called "Show User Provider Name in Selection List" (default to off).  When this setting is turned on, the user’s full name displays in the messaging section "Steve Smith (ssmith)”. Note that to set the user’s full names, this is also set in the Manage Security section under the ‘Users’ tab.
  11. Fax Queue Clearing
    In the Fax Queue, instead of automatically clearing all sent faxes from the Fax Queue when Clear Sent is pressed, Accuro will prompt the user to Clear All or Clear Selected. Clear Selected will clear the faxes where the checkbox is selected next to the fax.
  12. New Billing Rule: Requires Referring Physician
    In configuring billing rules (Billing menu, Billing Rules), there is an additional rule to require a referring physician based on fee code. Note: many codes have this rule already built in to Accuro, so this is for other codes that certain clinics may want to require it.
  13. Manitoba Billing Manual Review Form
    The Manual Review Form can be generated directly from a bill under the right click, Generate menu.
  14. Unreview Documents
    In the virtual chart, there is an option in the right-click menu from a Document called "Unreview".  There is the ability to control which users can access this item in a system administrator Manage Security feature permission called "Unreview Chart Items". The default is to allow this for physicians and administrator roles.
  15. BC Newborn Health Number Change
    If a child gets their own health number and it is sent back in the form of a refusal due to the mother’s health number being used, Accuro will now update the health number from MSP. The claim must still be resubmitted.
  16. Physician Signatures in Forms
    There is a third option to the signature component in Forms called "Provider - User Selectable". This is similar to the provider signature mode, but rather than loading the form's provider's signature, it allows the user to double-click on the signature and select from the providers they have EMR permission to. This is designed to support the workflow of different providers sign parts of a form that they complete.
  17. New Bill’ Configurable Start Time
    There is an Office Preference to configure the default start time for New Bills. This is set by the systems administrator in Manage Security -> Offices -> Preferences tab. The default value that can be changed is 12:00pm.
  18. Billing Referring Physician Change
    When in the Claim Details screen and changing the patient's referring provider, apply the patient's referring provider to the bills of the claim if all of the bills are currently set to -None-
  19. Ontario Billing Submissions
    The submission manager tabbed display.  The current submissions display will be on the default tab and called Submissions. The second tab is called 'Batch Status' which lists all of the submissions reverse chronologically by date with their submission file name and batch sequence number.  Three other columns listed are 'Batch Number', 'Type', '# of bills' and 'Processed Date'.
  20. BC Northern Health Electronic Lab Results
    Electronic Lab Results are now available for clinics in the BC Northern Health Region. Please contact Optimed for details.

Initial Accuro v5.5 Release

Messaging (Home Section)
1. Auto-Attach:
When clicking Assign task or follow up message from a document or lab, the lab/document will be attached to the message. To remove the attachment, click the Attach button and deselect the attachment. There is a user preference in File->User Preferences, Display, General Tab to turn off the auto attach feature.

2. Document Review Log:
In the Home section, in the physician’s Documents inbox there is a Review history button that allows the user to see the documents that were reviewed for a day. This is in place to support the un-reviewing in the case of accidental review:
3. Next Appointment Label:
In the preview of documents from the Home section, there is now a Next Appointment label, just like in the lab preview. The purpose of this is to show the next appointment for the patient so the reviewer knows whether a follow up appointment booking is needed.

4. Tasks “Type” Delete
The delete function for task “Types” (different than the actual tasks) is moved in to the manage tasks screen accessible from the tasks types selection list.

5. Task Check-Out:
A button now exists in the Home section under tasks called “check out”. Click a task, then click Check Out to mark the task as being worked on (or Checked Out) so if another user in the system attempt to view the task, they will be alerted that another user is working on the task to avoid duplicate efforts on a task.

6. Macros:
Macros can be used within tasks and messages. Type the macro name and press CTRL-ENTER to pull in the macro. Note that the clickable words list does not function. To build a macro, click on Tools->Template Wizard, then select Edit Macros from the upper left hand corner of the screen. Press New, give the macro a name, and type the content of the macro in to the main area. Press Save to save the macro.
Patient Demographics

7. Has Paper Chart:
For each patient, in the patient section of Accuro, the user can select the “Has Paper Chart: checkbox:   When checked, this will place an icon on the status bar:   with a tooltip that shows the note entered beside the checkbox when the mouse is hovered over the icon:  . This function is intended to indicate that a paper chart exists for the patient as many clinics in transition to EMR rely on a paper chart for some of the patients.

8. Delete Patient Button Move:
The Delete button in the patient section has been moved to the far left to prevent accidental clicking when trying to update. Note that Accuro will prompt for deletion confirmation and also will not allow deletion of a patient if there is any activity on the record like an appointment, note, or billing.

9. Money Bags:
For patients that owe money to the clinic (indicated by a not paid bill with the “—PP—“ insurer, an icon will display on the status bar:  . Once the bill(s) are paid in full, written off, or adjusted to paid, the money bag icon will no longer appear.

10. File Number generation Prompt:
When Clicking the File Generation button in the patient section:
 Accuro will now prompt the user if there is an manually entered number to prevent accidental overwrite of a manually entered file number. Note that there is an administrative system preference to auto-generate the file number for every new patient.

11. Card Swipe: For BC and Ontario customers, there is a card swipe function in the tools menu. Click on Tools->Card Swipe, then swipe the card through a card reader attached to the computer (most card swipe models are compliant. Contact Optimed for recommendations.) If the patient is not in the system, a new patient screen will open with the demographics pre-populated from the card. Press Add to add the patient in to Accuro. If the patient is in the system a demographic comparison screen will open to allow the user to select the demographics to use (ie: use the most current of with the card or leave the fields as they are correct).
A Hotkey for the card swipe is CTRL-SPACE.

12. Relationships Configuration:
There is now a “Manage” option in the list to allow configuration of the relation and type in the Add relation function. Note this option is not available for Alberta customers due to provincial EHR guidelines.

13. Gender: 2 additional options
There are 2 additional genders UD: Undetermined and UK: Unknown.


14. Fee and Diagnostic Code Search in Billing: The code search in billing has more room to show the descriptions in the search results.

15. F3 from WCB Forms: in the WCB Forms (for applicable provinces), the F3 key can be pressed to access the chart.

16. Claims Table re-ordering:
In the Claims section, the order of the columns can be configured by each user. Click on the column header and drag the columns to the desired order. This will save so each user may select their own order. Note that the columns to display are configurable by clicking the icon found in the upper right hand corner of the table:  .

17. Billing Macro Window Size: This window has been enlarged.

18. OOP Indicator:
When a patient is Out of Province, an OOP indicator (OOP) will show beside the insurer name in the Claims table.

19. Tax and Paid – new columns in Claims:
Included now are GST, PST, and Paid columns in each provinces Claim Tables when applicable for the province. Note that the columns to display are configurable by clicking the icon found in the upper right hand corner of the table:  .

20. Search by Claim Number: In the Billing menus a search by Claim Number exists for cases where a user has a claim number from a report and requires a search to find the claim.

21. HST implementation:
HST has been implemented to show the label of “Tax” instead of having 2 columns for GST and PST. This effects the look of many of the reports and the labeling of fields in the billing section. Note that most clinics will need to change their invoice to reflect the new label (Accuro cannot automatically update the invoice labeling as each clinic (and in many cases each provider) has their own invoice.

Changing your Invoice
In the invoices, there are currently 2 fields for tax; one for PST and one for GST. Please follow these steps to modify your Accuro invoice to have one “Tax” label (or “HST” if you prefer) instead of the 2 fields.
1. Click on Tools, Form Editor
2. Change the drop down list from “Standard Forms” to “Invoices”
3. In the list of Invoices, double click on the first provider’s invoice to bring it up in the form editor main window.
4. Find on the form the fields that indicate the tax (likely at the bottom of the form).
5. Right click the PST label and click Remove. Right click the PST text field and click Remove.
6. Double click the GST label. It will become editable (with a cursor). Change the label to say “Tax” (or “HST” if you prefer).
7. Right click the GST text field and click Edit.
8. From this screen, look to the right side and find the Name field and change the entry from “GST” to “TAX”. Make sure that you enter the word TAX all in capitals.
9. Press the Save button then Press Ok.
10. Save the Form! Do this by clicking on the small save button found in the button cluster (top row, second from right).


22. Outstanding Requisitions: Load Patient:
In the Outstanding Requisitions screen, double clicking the patient name loads the patient so the chart may be accessed via F3, or the window closed to view the chart (Click EMR button).

23. Appointment Date Format:
The format options in the data component now includes an option for the day of the week.

24. New Component: Office Physician:
A new component under the Patient category called Office Physician which brings in the Office Provider from the Patient section.

25. Pen Setting:
When the pen is activated, it will remember this setting between notes so for tablet users, the pen can be always activated.

26. Fax Button:
The Fax Form function has been added as a button to Forms.

27. Save Growth Charts:
For young patients, growth charts can be generated by right clicking on a height or weight from the lab summary and selecting Clinical Growth Charts. The new Save button in the growth chart will save a  copy in the chart (which can then be attached to letters and referenced later).

28. Health Number Province: Added a option to the Health # query in Forms to include the patient's Health # province when it is not the local province.

29. Wait List OR Booking Forms can now be opened from within a booking request by clicking on the button called “Ok & Open Booking Package”.

30. Ontario Chronic Disease Management Worksheets
Ontario Accuro EMR now includes worksheets for the following conditions:
 The worksheets are essentially a form in the way they function in that they are opened form the form template list and save to the same location as forms in the EMR. The category they are listed and save under is called “CDM Worksheets”.
The CDM forms are configurable (Ontario Only). To configure a CDM form, click on Tools-> Edit CDM Forms. Select the form to edit and click Ok.  Note that the options for Global, Office, and Provider are to select what users the changed form will apply to. It is recommended to select Global unless a single office (multi-office Accuro) or a single provider wishes for their own unique form contents. Once the form layout appears, use the right click menu to add or remove items from the listing on the left. Note: the full preview of the form does not show and only the content of the CDM form is editable, not the layout location of the items. All items show in a vertical list. Once done with changes, press Save.

31. Macros
Macros can be used within forms. Type the macro name and press CTRL-ENTER to pull in the macro. Note that the clickable words list does not function in a form.

Encounter Notes

32. Printing CDM Worksheets:
There is a new CDM print option in the PIN worksheets.

33. Manitoba PIN Worksheets – New mappings:
New CDM mappings now exist to link the following new information types to an indicator:
a. Document Type
b. Problem
c. Form
These linkings are selected under the configuration menu item, under CDM Mappings.

34. PIN units of measurements 
In the PIN Flowsheets (MB Only) the display of the labs now show the units of measurements.

35. Lab Results in Note Templates:
There are now Lab tags in letter notes so that the most recent, second most recent, ... , fifth most recent lab and date can be used as tags in letter templates. When the note opens, the tags populate. If a lab is added after the note opens then the user will have to drag and drop from the labs summary at the bottom of the note or re-open a new note to "Refresh". The lab and date are separate tags. The units also display beside the value.

To add this, go to the Template Wizard where there is a query button at the top of the screen
This query button (an “i” in a blue bubble) will prompt for the selection of a lab date or value. You may use this to insert lab tags in to the templates so that when the users open the template, the values for that patient’s labs replace the tags.

36. Tags in Macros:
Note Macros now support tags to allow for information to be pulled in to macros, like patient name, or medical history items. To use these right click the screen to view available tags (in the Template Wizard, Macro Editor)

37. Shared Macros:
Macros can be shared or made user specific. When creating the macro, click the Shared Checkbox to share it or uncheck the shared checkbox to make the macro private.

38. Physical History Lab entry:
Accuro now supports entry in Imperial or Metric Entry. Check the Imperial Checkbox at the top of the physical history lab entry to flip all of the values to Imperial Units. It is not important which format the lab is entered in as Accuro stores the result in metric and allows the view in either.

39. Physical History Percentiles (In the lab “Physical History (Child)”):
Accuro now calculates the percentile for weight height for young patients as a display area in the lab entry screen; Physical History (Child) only.

40. Fax Log for Attachments
The fax log for attachments now shows the sender date and time and the recipient.

41. Auto-Populate Fax to with family and Referring Physician:
When faxing from the VC, in the Fax window, a button beside the "+" button (to add recipients) called "Dr" has been added that populates the patient's family and referring physician in to the recipients area. If they are the same then only one copy is there.

42. Letter Generation Active Medications: The Active Medications will now be split out in to Active and External medications as before they were grouped together

43. Letter Generation
Letter Generation has undergone a complete re-work. The spirit of the new design is to provide an editable preview of the letter upon letter generation. To view the new letter generation, right click on an encounter note and select “Generate Letter” (as per normal). The screen that opens looks like this:
The previous functionality has been retained although in a different place. The additional functionality this screen provides is:
a. Ability to edit the letter in this preview mode right before sending.
b. Ability to use a letter background image as part of your letter template for fancy letterheads or  letters where a sidebar is desired.
c. Additional formatting functions at the top of the screen for text.

44. Encounter Note: Auto-complete ‘clickable words’
When using clickable words, single click the items (not double clicking any of them). Once finished, click on the auto-complete button which then completes every selection list to leave your selected item(s). The button is at the upper most top right of the screen (beside the spellcheck icon).

45. Encounter Note: Bookmarks
When building a template, there is a function called a bookmark that when pressed (in template wizard) sets a tab point in the template. Once the tab points (bookmarks) are set, then when using the template, CTRL-Up and CTRL-Down moves the cursor between the bookmarks.
46. Encounter Note: Insert Images
At the top of the encounter notes screen there is a image icon which allows selection of an image from the computer to insert in to the note. This may be used to insert pictures from a camera or other reference images.

47. Letter Generation Introduction Configuration has a new tag called <RECOFFICE> which is for the recipient's office name. This is configured in the provider section, ‘Configure’ button, Edit Introduction.

48. Chart Filters
At the top of the screen in the Encounter Notes Tab, there are now 2 selection lists for chart filtering. In the first selection list all of the v5.0 options still exists, with now the option to add new filter items. Click on Manage to add a new filter. These added filters are user specific. The options when defining a filter are to select what shows under each column of the encounter notes section.
The second selection list is new to Accuro and contains a filter for provider. Selecting a provider from this list filters down the chart view to the data that is linked to that provider. If the clinic is using provider groups, the groups are listed in order to view information by group (ie: by specialty or other grouping)

49. Icons Moved:
To make room for chart filtering, the graphing and the INR icons have been moved from the top of the encounter notes screen down to the bar separator between notes and labs. The diagnosis linking icon has been moved to the right of the medical history screen. The function of these remain the same.
The re-ordering of the Medical History items has been moved in to the User Preferences screen under the Display, EMR Workflow section:
Medical History

50. External Medications New Features
3 features for external medication management:
Allow user managed status options and put Active back to a checkbox. The specific requests are to have Not Confirmed, Confirmed, Discontinued, Held.
Show the status on the Encounter notes display, the copiable display, and the detailed tag in the letters.
Keep a history of changes to the status of External Medications.
Reason: A patient may be taking a medication prescribed externally that is important to their care. Then it gets discontinued. It is important to know when the drug was discontinued.

51. Custom Medical History “Tracking”
When creating a new medical history category (done in Manage Security by an Administrator), there is an option for “Tracking” in the form a checkbox. When checked, Accuro will track all changes visually on items in the custom medical history category.
52. Prescription Print Summary:
There are 2 options to print prescription summaries from the EMR section, Medications tab. Right click a medication and select “Print Rxs” to get a printout of all of the medications in the screen.  CTRL click on certain medications then right click and select “Print Selected Rxs” to get a specific printout. Hint: hold the left mouse button and drag across all active meds then use the print selected rxs option to get a printout of all active medications.


53. Global Macro Use:
Macros can now be used in many places in the application including: Messages, Tasks ,Form text areas and text fields,  Patient Notes, Lab Notes, and Document Notes.

54.  Query Builder: New Actions:
From the query builder results, there are 2 new actions that can be applied:
a. Add Patient Flag: add a selected patient flag to all selected patients.
b. Add Form: add a selected form to all selected patients (with option to print).

55. Query Builder: Custom Histories
Custom medical histories are now selectable as rule categories to allow ad-hoc queries to be built based on custom user added history categories.

56. Status Bar Editing:
In User Preferences, under the Display section there is a place to edit the status. The second line now has the function to allow tags to be added (via a right click).

57. Lock Screen and Log out Shortcut:
In User Preferences, under the Logins section, there is an area to set a user specific screen lock:
To set this, click in the text box then press the desired key combination. To change, press clear then repeat the first step. If left blank, the default lock keystroke combo is ALT-F12.

58. Archived Appointment History:
For clinics that had large data imports where the archived appointments tab populates, there is now an “All” option in with the year selection to show all appointments archived as opposed to year by year only.

59. Save Fax Cover Sheet:
The Fax cover sheet is now saved with the “Generated Letter” if selected. This was implemented in order to capture any notes typed in the cover sheet.

60. Day Sheet – Terminal Digit Day Sheet
A sort option now exists called 'Terminal Digit' which sorts by File Number in reverse and an option to sort regularly by file number.
Ex.  000012, 238000, 832983 would be sorted 238000, 000012, 832983.

61. Vaccination Quantity Decrement
Add a Quantity Field to Vaccines.
When an Immunization is applied to a patient from the same lot that the Vaccine is configured with, decrease the Vaccine Qty by 1.The user can also go into the Vaccine configuration and manually change it at any time.

62. Waitlist “Provider” Terminology:
In the Waitlist, the terminology for Surgeon has been changed to Provider.

63. Schedule Day Sheet (CSV)
In the scheduler, click the print button in the upper left of the screen while holding down the CTRL key to get a CSV export option. You can now include patient custom fields in the output. Note that the CSV output can be opened in programs like Excel.

64. Traffic Manager Preference:
Added a system preference configurable through the Accuro System Setup tool to include traffic manager appointments in the daysheet report that are either in a room or completed (the same logic as the appointments shown in the EMR Daysheet).

Unfortunately due to issues with some customer systems, the number of calls we were receiving on the Accuro skins could no longer justify it. We apologize to those that love the look of skins but we have had to remove it until a more robust skins package can be found.

66. Chart Search
Accuro now contains a function to search the entire database, across all patient records for data. This search is called the Chart Search and is available as an option under the Tools menu. Once open, enter the search word(s), then select what parts of Accuro to search (recommendation is to select PMS if admin related and EMR if related to the EMR section). Click on the checkbox below if instead of searching all of Accuro, you want to search just some patients (system allows you to select a query to define the data set to search in).
Click Search to search for the text.
Entering two word in will search for both of the words so if either is found it will return the result.

Security Section Changes

Note that access to Manage Security section requires administrative privileges.
Welcome to the new Manage Security section of Accuro EMR. Access this area by click on Users menu item, Manage Security.
The first change you will likely notice is the addition of several tabs, as well as a significantly different ordering. This was done in order to promote a particular order of operations when implementing new clinics.
Step one when managing a clinic is to create any roles you think will be needed. This tab was left unchanged for the time being.
The second tab is the new ‘Offices’ tab. This configuration was previously grouped with other management controls and remains relatively unchanged. It is important to try and configure the offices as completely as possible before moving on.
The first significant changes come in the third ‘Templates’ tab. This tab is used to manage provider permission templates. The first thing to notice is that templates are now office specific. Previously a template could include any number of offices and providers. With the new changes, a template now reflects one defined set of permissions for all the providers in that office.

The migration to this new system will have created a template in each office that is identical to any of the older, global templates. As a result, no changes should be necessary in order to bring existing clients up to date.
Let’s make this a bit more visual and create a new template. The two dropdowns at the top of this tab reflect the office, and the selected template. The three buttons represent New, Copy, and Remove respectively. Clicking the + button will prompt you for a template name. 
As you can see in the picture above, there is now a template named ‘My First Template’ associated with the office ‘Test Office’. ‘Test Office’ is only associated with a single provider, and so in the table below, only one row exists.
The columns of the table represent the different permissions this template grants a user on a given provider.  Clicking a given cell will enable or disable that permission for that provider (represented by a checkmark or dot). For large sweeping changes, clicking and dragging will rapidly enable or disable multiple permissions.
The ‘Access Until’ field is now enabled by clicking the calendar icon on the right hand side of the table. This process can be seen above.
After modifying a given template, be sure to click ‘Save Template’ in the bottom right corner. Changes will be lost if you do not.
Assuming all your templates are ready, it is time to move on to the ‘Users’ tab.
The users tab is a lot more straightforward then it once was. At the top is a dropdown for selecting users to modify. The standard Add, Copy and Remove buttons are also present. While many things have been removed, two new sections have appeared. The concept of ‘User Demographics’ was added (lower right), and a ‘Provider Permissions’ sub tab was created (upper left).
The ‘Provider Permissions’ sub tab is the second major reworking of older concepts. Selecting a brand new user and visiting this tab will produce an empty window similar to the one above. What this means, is that the user is currently not associated with any offices in the system. In order to change that, we click the ‘Add Office’ button in the lower left. As seen above, a dialog will appear requesting an office. Pressing ‘OK’ will associate the selected user with that office (This should be done for every office that user will be working in).
Once selected, the office will appear in the panel looking somewhat more complex then the ‘Templates’ tab we looked at earlier.
At the very top of the table the name of the office (left blue arrow) and a button to remove the office (right blue arrow) can be seen.
Directly beneath these is the ‘Manage Roles’ button (left red arrow) and a list of roles the user currently has in this office (right red arrow). Because roles are now office specific, each office added to the user in this method will include its own roles.
Finally, inside the table is the template selection dropdown (left green arrow), and a provider permissions table identical to the one seen on the ‘Templates’ tab (right green arrow).
The first thing to do when associating an office with a user is to select that users roles.
Clicking the ‘Manage Roles’ button will result in a relatively straightforward popup like the one above. It is very important to note that with the changes, the ‘Administrator’ role now holds special meaning. Users with the ‘Administrator role’ are able to access a stripped down version of the Security Management section. They have the ability to perform virtually every action shown in this guide (limited to offices they administrate).
Once roles are set, it is time to assign them physician permissions. By default, ‘User Specific Permissions’ is selected in the permission template dropdown. This will allow you to manually define provider permissions by checking cells. The combo box will also contain any permission templates associated with its office. Selecting one of these templates will display any provider permissions received as seen above. Selected templates are read-only, and can only be modified from the ‘Templates’ tab.
When all changes are complete, click the ‘Save’ button in the bottom right corner.
The last major change of this update is a completely new security concept for Accuro. The fifth tab is called ‘Permissions’ (subject to change), and allows access management at a feature by feature level. Feature permissions are hierarchical and are associated with both roles and users.
At the very top level, feature permissions can be set for each role in the system.  This level of permission is managed by selecting ‘All Offices’ from the office dropdown.
Office specific feature permissions are managed by selecting a specific office from the dropdown.
In this image I am managing feature permissions for the office ‘Test Office’. On the right hand side are all the different features. The highlighted column on the right is the inheritance column. If a feature permission is unspecified, it is inherited from above.
In this case, office roles inherit from global roles (‘All Offices’ in the dropdown). As can be seen in this image I have enabled the ‘Reply’ feature for the ‘Power User’ role in ‘Test Office’. I have also disabled the ‘Review’ feature. Everything else is currently enabled through inheritance.
Hovering the mouse over a transparent icon in the Inherited column will provide you with a tooltip detailing the inheritance of that particular feature permission.
The final, and most specific level of feature permissions is the ‘User Permissions’ tab. This tab allows an administrator to manage feature permissions for each user at the office level. User permissions override office role permissions and global role permissions.
As an example, I am showing a user with no user level permissions specified. On the right you can see that he has inherited the disabled ‘Review’ feature I set in the previous image. Every other feature is enabled by way of inheritance.
Finally, as I mentioned earlier, if a user is given the ‘Administrator’ role for a particular office, it grants them stripped down access to the Manage Security section of Accuro. They will see the menu item in the Users menu as shown above.
Clicking ‘Manage Security’ will bring them to a page similar to this. All the tabs shown in the image above will be available to them. These administrators will be allowed to manage any office where they have the ‘Administrator’ role. They are not allowed to create new offices.


**End of Document**